Sunday, August 7, 2022

Heinz Laffin Pottery

The mug was purchased eleven years ago at Heinz Laffin Pottery on Hornby Island. Heinz was there to make the sale. He was 85 years old then, and is, by all accounts, alive today. According to his daughter Christina's Twitter feed, he is long retired, but still visits the kiln.

This is the mug I have my morning coffee in, and the second cup I have around 3pm. Recently a friend who was walking down the alley stopped by to visit the garden and his daughter saw what all kids under 10 are prone to notice -- in this case, the lines inside my mug.

"Are these cracks from every time you drop your cup?" she asked, pointing a finger at the inside of my mug.

"Yes they are, Little One. Why, I might have dropped that cup a thousand times since I purchased it from the Mountain Witch fifty years ago."

"The Mountain Witch?"

"Yes, but you might know her by her vacation name."

"What's that?"

"Malibu Barbie."

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