Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Les Revenants (2004)

Géraldine Pailhas is Rachel in Les Revenants, a strange, allegorical film set in a small French city suddenly overrun with dead people. Not zombie dead, but a softer, slower moving dead -- a je ne sais quoi dead, if one can say such a thing.

Among the dead is Rachel's husband, a civil engineer who returns to work, only to find himself reassigned to the shop floor after presenting an incoherent proposal for the expansion of his employer's factory. Like the other dead, Rachel's husband doesn't seem to care much -- about anything. For her part, all Rachel cares about is the return of her husband, and she has a hard time accepting that he is not, nor ever will be, the man he was before he passed.

A city official (a sociologist?) takes an interest in the dead -- Rachel and her husband, in particular. It is through this official that the elements of the film are brought together, and we come to understand why the dead, who are tracked through heat-sensitive CCTV cameras (the dead have cooler body temperatures than the living) are secretly meeting: to find a tunnel that would return them to their graves.

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