Monday, June 19, 2023

Donetsk, Don't Tell

I'd never heard of The Americans (2013-2018), but the premise looked interesting: Americans who are Russians acting like Americans -- more specifically, a pair of accentless KGB agents who have posed as a married couple in Washington, D.C. since the early 1960s.

Rare to get a view on anything set in the year 1981, but that's when we join the Jennings (now in their late-thirties) as they chase down and capture a Russian defector who, in the way these things are written, had raped the female agent during a training session back in Moscow, when he was her supervisor. 

Some odd things worth noting. The map above (a scene featuring KGB higher-ups) is supposed to be the Soviet Union, but it loses the plot as it moves west. Where is Ukraine, Moldovia and Belarus? Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are marked, but their placement and proportions are odd.

So if Ukraine is to be pictured as part of the Soviet Union, why is it that the baby born of the dead Russian agent and his unsuspecting Puerto Rican wife (killed after another Russian's agent's promise of re-settling her and the baby in Cuba) is sent to the dead Russian agents' parents in "Donetsk, Soviet Union"?

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