Thursday, January 19, 2023

INT. RESTAURANT -- DAY (A Green Solution)

MAÎTRE D'HÔTEL: Mr Turner has an unusual request.

OWNER: Which Mr Turner?

MDH: A Michael Turner. Someone in Dishwashing knows him as a gossip columnist.

OWNER: What does the 'A' stand for?

MDH: Singular, sir. As in one. The article 'A'. 

OWNER: Get on with it.

MDH: He will be dining alone and would like to be seated with others.

OWNER: Ugh, riddles. Translation?

MDH: He has asked to be seated at a table of three diners. Presumably to take up the fourth chair.

OWNER: I would consider that an intrusion. No.

MDH: With all due respect, sir, Mr Turner considers it a [holding up hands to make air quotes] "green gesture," and we have spent a great deal of money of late in our effort to prove that we are indeed a [holding up hands to make air quotes] "green solution."

OWNER: Has this been tried before?

MDH: Not to my knowledge, sir. 

OWNER (bending down to look at the reservation map): There [pointing with a pencil]. Seat him with the Pynchons.

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