Sunday, May 8, 2022

In a Monetized Society, Everything's an Ad

Hal Riney was an advertising executive. He worked on hundreds of campaigns: some you have seen, some you have heard, some you have sung along with. When a bank had an aging clientele, and wanted to get it younger, Riney hired Paul Williams to write a song to accompany moving images of a couple getting married, their lives ahead of them. When a company wanted to popularize mineral water in the North American market, he mythologized the town where it came from. When a U.S. president wanted to get re-elected in 1984, not only did Riley write and produce the ad, he did the voice-over, as he did for many ads before and since. 

Here is Riney on what it is to do business in advertising:

"I would rather deal wth a tyrant any day than with a committee. Committees, as a general rule, aren't willing to take chances, which is why you have a committee in the first place -- so you can share the blame."

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