Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Three Greenthorns

We are now eleven days away from tabulating the 179,100 absentee ballots cast during the 2017 B.C. provincial election. To put those numbers in perspective, there are 3,156,991 eligible voters in B.C., of which 57% cast a ballot.

With certain ridings close enough to be decided by absentee votes, the leaders of the three main parties are understandably cagey about what to say and do in the days leading up to May 22.

For those concerned that the three Green MLAs might form a coalition government with a 43 seat Liberal party willing to enact the Green's main election promise of proportional representation, rest assured -- it's not going to happen. The Liberals like the current first-past-the-post format, just as the Greens deplore the Liberals' indifference to the environmental consequences of oil, gas and hydro production.

But this is B.C politics. And in B.C. politics, anything can happen -- from a former premier who changed his name to Amor de Cosmos to an NDP candidate (Morgane Oger) who changed more than that and came within 561 votes of defeating the Liberal incumbent (Sam Sullivan) for the riding of Vancouver False-Creek.

Below are the email addresses of B.C.'s three Green MLAs. Write to them and let them know that a Green-Liberal coalition would be, in the words of the current U.S. President, "A bad -- a very bad -- a very, very bad idea."

SONIA FURSTENAU: Cowichan Valley

ADAM OLSEN: Saanich North and the


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