Monday, October 18, 2021

George, the Parasite (2020)

In August JA sent me an email asking for my address so he could send me a copy of S F Ho's George, the Parasite (Montreal: SPEC/FIC, 2020) because he thought of me when he read it. Not what's written, but how. So rare to hear people talk about "how" anymore. Everything is outcome-oriented, writing being the means.

Ho's book begins with means in the form of an "all day" walk, with no mention of a destination. Or maybe I should give you the opening paragraph, so you can read it for yourself:

"Two people go for a walk together and they walk all day. There are so many things to see and these things shift constantly as they [the walkers? these "things"? both?] move through space and time. When they get tired of walking they squat on a curb outside of a gas station. The gas station sells coffee and cups of lukewarm green tea. George orders tea while his companion orders coffee."

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