Saturday, May 8, 2021

Sunshine Santa

The second-to-last free parking spot heading north on Main Street. I back-in, put the car in PARK, turn off the engine and here he comes, Summer Santa, motionless from the waist up, staring straight ahead as if he were a machine projecting his own image. A child stops to point and his mother yanks him way. Two teenagers bust a gut and he puffs his chest out further. When the time is right I take his picture.

I send the picture to a few friends, most of whom write back to say they see him all the time now, that he is a fixture -- a cross between Fashion Santa and his familiar bulbous self. One friend who lives off Main wrote back to say she saw him on her 6:30 a.m. jog, then again at 11:00 p.m. that night on her way home from drinks at a bubblemate's patio.

Day-in, day-out, up and down Main Street, Santa Claus is walking through town. 

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