Friday, January 15, 2021

"Dictatorship of the Proletariat" as Muse

Of the more recent non-drinking dreams: standing still yet somehow moving amongst those gathered, catching snippets of conversation. One says to another, "Reification -- it's a thing, you know," and the other nods, "Yes, it keeps popping up on Twitter."

I have my thoughts. These include speculations: not on what will happen, but what didn't. As in, What if those freedom-seeking American colonists who formed the United States did not mount a tax revolt against the British and instead worked through an evolving parliamentary system that, for example, banned the Atlantic slave trade in 1807 -- 58 years before those former American colonists amended it to their Constitution?

Reification, according to, is "a complex idea for when you treat something immaterial -- like happiness, fear or evil -- as a material thing." This in relation to metaphor: "a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity."

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