Tuesday, September 11, 2018

A small room behind a bay window. A single bed, a table and chair, and a sink. I could manage something larger, with more conveniences, but I could never match the view.

Yesterday was mostly just me computtering around, picking from the interweb things for my academic c.v. (I had forgotten that I moderated a panel for the Shaq’sthut: Gathering Place Colloquium at UBC in 2008 -- but I had not forgotten the great circle around us, where everyone introduced themselves, the laughing and the joking, particularly at the expense of the chatty Tsimshians!)

When not doing that, I was flipping through my new book trying to decide what to read at its launch tonight. Launches aren't readings -- they're launches -- so I don't want to go on too long.

Come to the launch: 7pm at Massy Books (229 East Georgia Street).

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