Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Kerrisdale Laneway

The lane just west of West Boulevard (Arbutus), linking West 41st to West 42nd. In the distance, the Kerrisdale Community Centre, more a place for seniors these days than for kids.

Years ago there was no retaining wall between the lane and the lawn of the apartment building the Greek family managed. Nor was there a hedge. Properties often bled into public space, and vice versa. Lines were hazy. Not every boulevard had a curb. Sometimes there'd be no sidewalk.

I'm interested in the wooden border atop the retaining wall. Is it simply decorative, or is it holding back the soil? And if so, more at the flat end than over the sloped part? I can see its author feeling there's something incomplete about having the wooden border at the flat end and not up the slope, where it can disappear politely into a bush.

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