Thursday, October 24, 2019

War Pipe

The biggest impediments to the accelerated destruction of our planet are unions, environmentalists and First Nations, with unions a distant third.

When the (Trudeau) federal government purchased the Trans Mountain Pipeline from Kinder Morgan, it justified the expenditure ($4.5B) in the name of "investor confidence" -- that stability (social, infrastructural) + commodity (oil, in this case) = certainty (market trends notwithstanding).

But is this the whole story? Is there not, apropos of my previous post, a second clause?

My first thought was that the purchase was something of a war pipe, to be "given" (shared? leased?) to First Nations on whose lands (treaty or otherwise) this pipe will pass. The intent here is divide and conquer, because as we know, not all indigenous people want the same things, and this applies to pipelines.

(Nice picture, huh? The void! I wanted to credit the photographer, but the only attribution I could find was Which is hardly surprising. Not just anyone with a camera is allowed access to a weapon of mass destruction.)

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